How to GraphXR
2. Loading Data
In this Session...Before you begin...
Loading Data, Navigating and Selecting DataTo follow along, download the file: (opens in a new tab)
1How To GraphXR: 2. Import, Navigate, and Select Data
2Before you begin... contains several CSV files we can import to our project simply by drag and drop. Characters.csv is a table of the characters from HBO's Game of Thrones. Each row corresponds to one character. The columns contain the name, family (house) affiliation, how many characters they killed, who killed them, and a URL of the character's portrait.
4When we drag and drop Characters.csv onto our GraphXR project space, a node is automatically created for each row of the spreadsheet.
5The spreadsheet data is treated as a single category labeled Characters, now visible in the Legend at the top right.
6Columns in the Characters.csv spreadsheet (characterName, houseName, etc.)become properties of the nodes. To see a table of the nodes and their properties click to open the Table panel and click the Characters category.
7Image URLs in each row provide a portrait image for a Character node. This avatar can be shown or hidden via the Project panel => Settings tab => Show Avatars.
8Let's learn to navigate in 3D space. To pan the graph up, down, left, and right, hold down the left mouse button and drag anywhere in empty space (or click the onscreen navigation).
9Zoom in or out of the graph with the mouse scroll wheel (or touch scroll), or click the onscreen navigation arrows. To zoom faster, you can use Alt + scroll.
Reset your view at any time by clicking the Reset View circle.
10To orbit the graph, hold down the right mouse button and drag anywhere in empty space, or click the onscreen navigation. Orbit behaves differently depending on whether you have anything selected, so let's delve into selection.
11Left click on a single node to select it.
12Hold down the left mouse button, press the shift key, and drag to select a group. The Characters category in the Legend shows how many nodes you've selected
13Hold down the control key to add to your selection. Left click to add a single node or hold down the left mouse button and drag to add multiple nodes.
14Hold down the alt key to subtract from a selection. Left click to subtract a single node or use Alt + left click + drag to subtract multiple nodes.
15In the toolbar, you can click Inverse to invert your selection. Use Ctrl +A to select all nodes in the graph space.
16When one or more nodes are selected, the orbit controls will center on your selection. When nothing is selected, you'll orbit the center of the graph space.
17Click Center To to center selected nodes in the graph space and Fly Out to see all the nodes in the graph space. Click Hide to temporarily hide (not delete) selected nodes. Clear your selection by double left clicking on an empty area of the graph.
18The Information window for any single node lets you review, edit, and even add properties of the node on the fly. Double-click on a node (or click to select a node and click the Information icon (or Ctrl + i)).
19You can use a Table to search for nodes with specific property values. The Enhanced Table lets you directly edit a category - its label and its data.
20Now that we're able to navigate, let's go on to Module 3: Properties and Extract, to use properties to create new categories and relationships.