User Guides
Navigating and Selecting Graph Data
Navigating and Selecting Graph Data

GraphXR provides the capability to explore, select, and group data efficiently in the project graph space.

To navigate the graph on the desktop you can:

  • Use mouse and/or keyboard hotkeys to pan, rotate, and zoom in and out of the view.

  • Use Center To and Fly Out icons on the context toolbar to reposition your view of the graph.

  • Use full-text keyword search on properties of the graph data to select and fly to an individual node.

  • Open a Table to fly to a node or edge (but not select it).

To select data in the graph space you can:

  • Use mouse and/or keyboard hotkeys to select nodes or groups of nodes, and to add or subtract from your selection.

  • Use Select Visible (Ctrl +A) to select all currently visible nodes in the graph space.

  • Use the list items in the Legend to select all nodes of any category or tag, or any listed property value, or to select all the edges of a relationship.

  • Use Trace Neighbor to highlight all the nodes within a specified number of connections to a selected node. Once highlighted, you can use Select Visible (Ctrl +A) to select the traced nodes.

  • Use Inverse to select all the nodes not in the current selection (Ctrl + R).

  • Hide data temporarily:

    • Use Hide Selection to hide selected nodes temporarily, and Un-Hide Selection to restore hidden nodes.

    • Deselect the Visible checkbox for a category or relationship to temporarily hide nodes of a category, or edges of a relationship.

    • Select the Exclude checkbox for any property of a category or relationship to temporarily exclude it from display in tables or the information panel.

  • Filter data by any numerical property, including Date and Time, using multiple composable filters. Filter animation enables dynamic display of connected patterns.

To group selected data in the graph space you can:

  • Use Tag to save and label any selection of nodes.

  • Use Collect Nodes (and Explode Collections) icons to collect nodes with few (or no) connections to selected nodes and place them in special temporary collection nodes.

  • Use an Enhanced Table to select, edit, and export selected data.