User Guides
Working with Layouts
Using a Tree Layout

A tree layout displays nodes and edges as a hierarchy branching from one or more nodes you select.

The tree is dynamic in that at any time you can change the source nodes and apply the new layout.

Nodes can be selected using any method: in the Legend by category, property value, or tag, or directly in the graph using (shift+left mouse click drag). You can add to (Ctrl+left mouse click drag) or subtract from (Alt+left mouse click drag) a selection of nodes as desired.

In addition, you can:

  • Use the Axis slider to increase or decrease the size of the tree view.

  • Click Reset to return to the view you started with.

If you close the Layout Panel without resetting the view, a green Reset flag appears next to the Layout panel icon. You can click this Reset flag to revert to the view you started with.

To create a dynamic tree layout:

  1. Open the Layout panel, and select the Tree tab.

  2. Select one or more nodes to be the first level of the branching hierarchy (e.g. all Author nodes).

  3. Click Apply to show the tree hierarchy.

  4. Now select a different set of nodes as the first level (e.g. all Location nodes) and click Apply.