How to GraphXR
3. Properties and Extract
In this Session...Before you begin...
* Inspecting properties., Using Extract to model new categories and relationships from properties., Exporting data and saving data Views.To follow along, you can download:

* (opens in a new tab), Unzip, and drag and drop the Characters.csv file to a project space.
1How To GraphXR 3. Properties and Extract
2Before You Begin...

Ideally, you'll have worked through Module 2. Import, Navigate, and Select Data. If you're starting here, and you want to follow along, you'll need to:

* Log in to GraphXR, create a Project, and open its graph space. , Download the file (opens in a new tab), which contains the Game of Thrones data we'll use in our tutorials., Unzip it and drag and drop the Characters.csv file onto the graph space.
3When we drop Characters.csv on the graph space, columns in the spreadsheet (name, houseName, etc become properties of the nodes. For a table of the nodes and their properties, click Table on the Main Menu, and the Category label.
4We can use a property to define a new category and relationship and extract new nodes and edges connected to the original Character nodes.
5Let's switch to Property view. In the Legend, click the Property tab. A dropdown menu with the first property name appears. Below it is a scrollable list of each unique value for that property in the graph.
6The houseName property has just a few unique values, one for each of the great houses (families) in Game of Thrones. Now let's create nodes for the Houses. Open the Transform panel => Extract tab.
7The Transform panel includes some of GraphXR's most powerful capabilities, letting you interactively model your data. Transforms affect the whole graph if nothing is selected. If you make a selection, a transform operates on only those elements.
8We'll create a House category from the houseName property, and a BELONGS_TO relationship in the process that links House nodes to their Character node sources.
9Set houseName as a key so that a single node is created for each unique value of houseName, and not a separate one for every source node. Now click Run.
10In the Legend, click the Category and Relationship tabs. You'll see that a node has been created for each House, and Character nodes are now connected to a House via edges of the BELONGS_TO relationship.
11Click the Property tab, and notice that Characters with an empty houseName property value are assigned to a House labeled not available. If you click the skip empty checkbox before extracting, those Character nodes remain unconnected.
12This is a good time to save our work! Open the Project panel => Data tab. You can download the current state of your graph as a GraphXR (GXRF) file, export it as a group of CSVs ( or write back to a Neo4j database, if you have connected to one).
13You can also save to the cloud by creating a View. Enter a descriptive name and click Save View. The current view is highlighted.
You can load any saved view, update or delete it, and share it with another user.
14Now that we've saved our progress, let's go on to Module 4: Link and Filter and bring in more data.