User Guides
Navigating and Selecting Graph Data
Using Tables

The Table panel displays nodes and edges and their properties as rows and columns. When you open the Table panel, basic tables are provided. Using these tables, you can:

  • Skim data by category or relationship, and review its properties.

  • Search data by category or relationship and select the returned nodes or edges.

  • Click a table row to fly to that node or edge.

  • Export a table as a CSV.

To edit the values, change the name of a category or relationship, add or remove rows, or reformat a table you must use the Enhanced Table option.

Using Basic Tables

In the Table panel, separate Category and Relationship tabs display buttons to select the categories and relationships in the available data. With no nodes selected in the graph space, the tables include all the data.

To use basic tables:

  1. Either select data of interest, or deselect all data to include all the data in the graph space.

  2. Open the Table panel, and choose either the Category or Relationship tab.

  3. Click a category (or relationship) name to display the table of its nodes (or edges) in the graph. You can:
    • Scroll through the table using scroll bars and Next or Previous page controls.
    • Enter a search term to find only nodes (or edges) with matching properties.

    • Click Select All to select the data returned by a search.
    • Click a single table entry to center the view on the node or edge.
    • Click Export to export the entire table as a CSV file.

Using an Enhanced Table

The Enhanced Table option adds editing and selection capabilities to the basic tables. It displays all the data currently visible in the graph space (i.e., data that are not hidden), whether currently selected or not.

You can

  • Re-name any category or relationship.

  • Search, select, and edit individual rows (nodes or edges) and columns (properties)

  • Export data as a CSV, mark it in the graph, or remove it.

To use an Enhanced Table:

  1. Double click in an empty area of the graph to deselect all data, and open the Table panel.
    NOTE: Even if you've selected data, the enhanced tables will still display all the data.

  2. Click the Enhanced Table button on the bottom right of the Table panel.
    The enhanced table is initially tethered to the graph space, but you can click the airplane icon at the upper right corner to display it in a separate browser window.

In the enhanced table you can:

  • Show the data for any Category or Relationship by clicking the appropriate tab and label.

  • Change the name (label) of an existing Category or Relationship. Simply double-click a label (e.g. Person), enter a new name in the text box and hit return.

  • Show only nodes that are currently selected in the graph space, by clicking the Show selection only checkbox.

  • Add or remove properties from the table headings using the dropdown menu and property labels.

  • Sort the table by clicking a property name in the table heading.

  • Edit the property data in a table by clicking on it.

  • Add a row to the table.

  • Select table entries using the checkbox in the first table column.

  • Filter Rows, either by selecting 20 or more rows using the checkbox, or by entering a keyword search in the search field for the column.

  • Display the More Actions menu, which includes:

    • Export CSV (number of rows). A CSV containing the listed number of rows will be exported. You can export the entire table, or just the rows you've filtered or selected

    • Mark Selected in Graph (number of rows). Selects data in the graph space that you've selected in the table. You can then go to the graph space to work with the selection, for example to add a tag.

    • Remove (number of rows), which removes marked nodes from the graph space.

WARNING: Before using Remove to delete selected data, take a Snapshot. Then if you've removed data by mistake, you can revert the action by loading your most recent snapshot.